6 November: Blogging from Changi Airport, Terminal 1
Just wondering how's this trip experience going to be like!
Well, both Ying Leng and myself had only 2 hours to finish the last bit of packing before heading to the airport... Felt that something's missing amongst the stuff I packed... tried to recall, and recall... ah! just remembered, it's the chemical warmer! Actually didn't think of bring that 'cos it's autumn... but was told that the temperature dropped to below last 15 degree celsius in one of the last few days. Ok, no worries for this 'polar bear' :P
BTW, the gate's opened already. It's 10.10 pm... Bye... :D
Shall blog again in Osaka :D
It was another disappointment! What?! You mean there's no internet access from the hotel room? I checked the Hotel website and it's mentioned there's Internet access! You mean only those Smoking rooms come with the Internet connection while the rest do not! Hey! Why penalise the non-smoking room occupants! What kind of logic? Isn't it more worse off than the hotel in China!!!! Hey, this is Japan!!! I have higher expectations indeed (ok... the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment!)
So, what to do? The blog posts were added in only upon return...
6-7 November: In-flight
It's fully vegetarian! Ok, in YL's words - Rabbit food!
7 November: Arrival
Here's the 2-way ticket bus ticket with a discount of 300 yen for a round ticket.
7 November: Universal Studio, Osaka
- ET Legend - Thought it was the ride which I experienced previously (can't remember whether it was a GoldCoast or at LA). That would be a good one to start off with I thought. Unfortunately, it disappointed us... it was snapshots of "ET" and some of its models (talking in Japanese), which did not quite make sense to us... disappointing... I must admit: Wrong choice...
- Of course, one other thing that made YL flared-up was the photo-taking stage of which all who entered will take a picture with "ET". "Why? and can't visitors have a choice, etc..." She questioned. Of course, to some, it's against one's rights & principles!!! (yes, we have to right to do or not to do certain things on request). Well, from the theme park's perspective, it's just another revenue generating opportunity. Since visitors will not be going through the same entrance again, let's take down some potentially good memories in print that he/she could choose to bring home. For so many photos that they take everyday, why worry that they'll pick ours and do anything undesireable. I think, big organisations like this could be trusted! We are not in any of those mini-operations! Moreover, those people are just doing their job (they've been tasked to do). Of course, we still have a choice, if you would have insisted, it's fine to skip this item... Well, the experience could not be too different from one theme park to another... The purpose of going through the same motion is to revisit the experience :D Missing a couple of them is fine... the key is... just relax and enjoy...
- The Spiderman ride was a good one - an exciting one! It's one of those indoor roller coaster (something like the Indiana Jones). But the highlight is, it's coupled with those 4D effect!!! It's the first time I experience the ride of this kind! Worth going :D
- The Back-to-the-Future ride is a typical theme park ride - no surprise, but it's the revisiting of the experience! It doesn't come with the 4D effect.
- Another one that comes with a long long queue was the Jaws ride in Amity Village. To compare with what I went through in the other Universal Studio, this is a scale-down show! A couple more (better ones, such as the parting of the Red Sea) were not available here.
- The Terminator 2: 3-D show started off with a longwinded introduction... sigh... it's really buying time (I guess it's because the entire dialogue was in Japanese, though it's a live show). No surprise either... well, it's worth the value of money to watch such shows :D
- The last item was the Universal Studios Cinema 4-D show (Sesame Street 4-D Movie Magic). The sky turned dark and the queue was extremely long... It was already 5 pm. Well, surprising, the wait was shorter than expected 'cos the show ran in the theatre. Equivalent to the Terminator 2: 3-D show. Yawn yawn and dozed off intermittently... because of the long.... day.
What other thing(s) that caught my attention...
- The Snoopy bun! So cute!!! I bought one, took a picture and ate it while it was still hot. 啊!我把可爱的“史奴比”吃进肚子里了!
- The spiderman-fested souvenir shop! Of yes, shop as if I've unlimited budget! 蜘蛛侠,你的魅力不可挡也!
All in all, the key objective is just to relax and any surprise was really a bonus (to me). No where, it's near the ones I visited in LA or even Goldcoast. Those were better! or was it because, experiences and exposure over these years have heightened my expectations? Hm... of course, is age another factor? I wonder... not really... I'm a "changed" person when I'm immersed in the environment... but somehow, it could not quite successful in bringing out the 'young me'...
Back to the hotel at almost 8 pm. Checked it and went out for dinner. A bento set - something simple and manageable...
8 November: Nara
We identifed a couple of places. My key interests... not really the deer (though it's what it's well-known of), but the World Heritage Sites! Yes, my eyes grew big as I saw there are so many of them congregated at one place, almost all within walking distance. Yes. Earmarked 2 which must go... Kofukuji Temple and Todaji Temple.
We arrived at the Train Station and there, we got a map - pretty clear one... and the route to the first location is straightforward. One bonus was, we stopped at the Tourist Information Centre along the way and got a local Goodwill Volunteer Guide - Tomoko, who kept us company for the rest of the day. Indeed, if we were not ambitous of thinking to visit Osaka Castle on return to Osaka (which actually this was not materialised on the same day), Tomoko would have brought us further to see another one to two more sites... what a pity!
On the other hand, as YL pointed out, with the guide, there were more stops made and each stop lasted longer... hence, it stretched the stay... Well, afterall, I think it's worth having someone to bring us around (what's more it's free!)... more importantly, there's some explanation (made in layman terms) that means the visit more meaningful. From all the past experiences, nothing beats having a 'live' commentor than referring to the book or write-ups put up in the various locations. Of course, the interaction with locals is another bonus :D
Along the way, came across a shop that was crowded with long queues - a closer looooook: It's mochi making. Hey, wasn't this something I saw in a Youtube clip a few days ago? There, the traditional and modern ways of mochi making! The mochi was hot when served! Really, nothing beats viewing "live" - the tradition!
9 November: Toji Temple 东寺(五重塔), Kyoto 京都
The garden was beautiful... littered with the yellow-turning-red maple trees! wow! so, it's the autumn scene that I never got the chance to see. Simply.... Beautiful.
This time, got the opportunity to enter the 5-storey pagoda which was built in during the Edo period. Fully timber. It was well-preserved... and obviously, the main supporting pillar was the one in the centre (心柱), which the buddha statues sat around it (in the 4 directions). Also, the paintings on the wall. Ah! If there's a guide, we would be able to appreciate what it is all about better!!! What a pity!
9 November: Njio Castle 二条城, Kyoto 京都
The castle is considered huge as it comes with 2 moots and 2 palaces! However, it's puzzling why were there stone bridges that link the 'islands' with the main land? Isn't it the moot is meant to 'cut off' any access (a defence mechanism)? Well, perhaps we have been too used to the role of moot (from the European castles, etc).
The main palace "Ninomaru Palace" was open for access... it's plain... moving from one room to another room... along a corridor that supposedly uniquely designed Nightingale Floor so that when one walks, the corridor floor will squeak... Hahaha... it's to detect any intruder??? How about ninjas who were suppose to be light and could 'fly' around? hahaha... I wonder... Well, true enough, it's unique to the palace as I yet came across this in other castles or palaces that visited so far... 'cos all of them came with concrete/tiled floorings!!! The overall impression was it's not lavish except those golden linings and art pieces on the walls of each room - with golden colour spreaded across the wall... the paintings were mainly garden scenes with some animals like tiger and eagle in some rooms... of course, that's where power was!
Unfortunately, the inner palace, Honmaru Palace was not opened to public.
Anyway, it's a pleasant experience to walk through the beautiful gardens - so beautiful and colourful! wow! It's a pity that the sky turned totally dark at 5 pm.
9 November: Fortune Teller in Kyoto
10 November: Osaka Castle 大阪城
In this museum, it's where the history of Japan unfolded... through the multimedia presentation. The life of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. It's complex! Yes, he seemed to be another great ruler, who united Japan! That reminded me of Qin Shihuang! but it took place so many years later...
I felt like I was standing in front of the Paro Dzong! So majestic!!!
11 November: Last Dinner in Osaka

11 November: Departing Osaka... and Home Sweet Home
At 9.15 am, we checked out from the hotel and scroll over to the bus stop to wait for the limonusine bus.
After clearing the immigration point, we still had almost 2 hours. Well, well... what other better pastimes than shopping!!! Hahaha... getting the best bargains is definitely not my forte. To me, shopping is very straightforward. Have a target, look for the item and pay!
Anyway, over the years, I've sharpened my strategy of buying things! Anything that's available in the airport - Buy last! Buy at the airport... then it will not add on to the 20kg limit. Of course, have to strike a balance too! Else will be too bulky and troublesome to hand carry! Well, well... managed to squeeze the 7 boxes of stuff into the haversack.
The flight departed slightly late (around 1.15 pm Japan hours)... but we were informed that we'll arrive at 6.35 pm (Singapore time), about 25 minutes ahead of time!
Here's our special meal - the low fat meal! Heng-ah! no more rabbit food. Presented to us was a piece of beef! Don't care - just whack!!! hahaha... Still could not get over the 'rabbit food' we got in the inbound flight... felt so deprived...
Well, guess what we had for dessert? It's a banana! So nicely wrapped... while others enjoyed a cup of ice-cream :( So, it's not just rabbit food, but also monkey food???? (to conclude this trip?)